The Golden Horde rode forth, a fearsome sight, 

Their banners waving in the wind and light. 

With hooves of horses pounding the ground, 

Their warriors marched to the Austrian town.

Vienna stood firm, with walls so tall, 

Against the invaders, she would not fall. 

With bravery in hearts, her people fought, 

Defending their homes and all they’ve sought.

The battle raged on, both sides did pour, 

Their blood and sweat on that battlefield floor. 

Arrows flew fast and swords did clash,

As the two sides battled for victory and stash.

But in the end, the Golden Horde prevailed, 

Vienna’s gates did finally fail. 

Her streets were pillaged, and her people cried, 

As the conquerors claimed the city as their prize.

The Golden Horde returned, with victory in hand, 

Their power and glory across the land. 

And Vienna’s people, in defeat, did mourn, 

For their fallen heroes, and their city torn.

But in their hearts, they still held hope, 

For a brighter future, and a way to cope. 

And though they lost, they never lost their pride, 

For they fought with honor, by their king’s side.